Exposition A R T ï T s 2ème Edition
We are proud to present the Second Edition of our project
A R T ï T s in La Roque d’Anthéron, France, where founder Kristin DeGeorge has established her studio Atelier la Charnière.
Our project contintues to grow and solidify as we will feature three new members, artists from the region: Laurence Decaesteker and Atikin; and from Turkey, Fadime Ekici, as well as new prints from several of our participating artists.
The exhibition will be held under the auspices of CACDL, Compagnie d’Art Contemporain Durance Luberon who, at the hand of curator Michèle Guerin, has made this project possible during such difficult circumstances. We are grateful for their support and enthusiasm for our project.